Register for Site

How to Register:

All you need to do is leave a comment on a page or post, and then I’ll take it from there to approve your first comment and set up your user account.

After your first comment is approved, you will be able to participate in live commenting as often as you like, by simply commenting on the page (use your name and email consistently though, so the system can recognize you as an approved comment) .

You’ll also receive an automated email from the system about your user account, so you can log into Timmy’s Gang if you prefer.   Although it’s not necessary at this point to log in in order comment, it will become necessary later on, once Jackie adds more functionality to the site (ie., event calendars).


Timmy’s Gang Website

You can use this website for information only, or you can use it to communicate your availability for each trip.  Jackie will eventually redo this to include a “you IN or OUT”  grid for each event, but we wanted to get this up and running before Vegas and the Derby.  For now we can communicate via the comment sections on each event page.

In order to be able to comment on each page, you will need to make a first comment on any page, and once that comment is approved, you will be able comment actively on any page (as long as you use the exact same name and email consistently).  You will also then be signed up with a user account.